Interview with project coordinator “Green agriculture without borders” Galina Matyushenko

In the newspaper “Minsk true” for 12.04.2019 It published an article with an interview with the project coordinator “Green agriculture without borders” Galina Matyushenko. The article announces Galina main objectives and results of the project, the holding of regional festivals for farmers and artisans “The local economy”, participation in international fairs and workshops, learning the basics of the business and the certification of organic products for beginners “green farmers” to be implemented in Belarus, and on the European Union markets, consultations, cooperative meetings and exchange of experiences with the Lithuanian and Latvian colleagues.



The event is held within the framework of project No. ENILLB-1-117 "Green Agriculture without Borders" of the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Cross-Border Cooperation Program of the European Neighborhood Instrument at 2014-2020 gg. This project is funded by the European Union.

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