Due to the deterioration of the global epidemiological state and the strengthening of security measures in Ukraine and beyond, the organizers of the Organic Congress 2020, decided – RESTART event completely. Organizers decided not to risk and not to invite to the event stakeholders.
Instead, all information, which was announced in the Congress program, It will be prepared and structured in the form of presentations, to be placed Online IS FREE.
Регистрация на онлайн Конгресс Органічна Україна 2020
"Necessary for the agricultural sector units will be given in on-line mode, formats using video conferencing and webinars. The question of organic agricultural technologies, fodder for organic livestock, compliance with international requirements of organic standards, financial instruments for SMEs – discuss live videoconference " – said the organizers. "Research results, surveys and communication with the consumer, we will publish on the pages events and Congress в Facebook.»
A detailed program and other details can be found at website project.