Every Saturday in Kolodischi there is a fair “Tuteishaya Gaspadarka” on the site on Minskaya street, d.5A (to the right of the Belmarket store). The fair starts in 8.00. Cost of participation 5 rub. from one participant. Pensioners and schoolchildren – free. Payment for participation in the fair must be made after registration before the start of the event in accordance with the public offer Google Drive(clickable). Payment is made through the bank, Internet banking by any payment or to the organization’s cash desk (Kolodyschy, str. Minsk, D.5, photocopy item). The organizer does not provide trading equipment to participants.
Registration of fair participants via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RFyv0V3dWgCSrJxCdCh7HmG3HVPzRlFfvq0ysmL5T3s/edit
Registration deadline for participants is 23.08.2024.
Free admission.