The "Academy of activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas"

The project is financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the framework of the Polish Development Cooperation

The aim of the project "Academy of activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas" – show the possibility for citizens to engage in business in the region. To do this, increase the activity of the population, involvement in creative activities, business. To this end, the project was created on the basis of a business incubator Creative Workshop "Tuteyshaya gaspadarka" for apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, exchange of experiences and ideas. Enterprise development is the basis of sustainable development of any region. It is therefore necessary to create favorable conditions for small and medium-sized businesses. Currently, in our country we have created unprecedented conditions for craft activities and activities in the field of rural tourism


News of the project:

The results of the Academy of activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas

The results of the Academy of activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas in the framework of the project conference "Academy activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas" 15 November ...

Academy activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas

Implementation of the project "Academy activation of entrepreneurship in rural areas" nearing completion. 26 October 2018 year in a creative workshop "The local economy" ...

Competition for the best product with their own hands

Completed the first cycle of training courses on knitting, sewing and hand embroidery artisans for beginners. In the project's boundaries "Entrepreneurship Academy activation ...

The visit of the Belarusian artisans in Bialystok

The internship took place 3-6 June 2018. The project is implemented by the Local Sustainable Development Fund "Innovation for Regions" in conjunction with the Podlaskie Regional Development Fund. Belarusian ...