
KFH "Mushroom Country" - the largest complex for growing mushrooms on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Our production base is located in the Baranovichi district, in the geographical "center" of the Republic of Belarus, what, certainly, is a logistical advantage for the company, focused on the domestic market of the country. The products of the farm "Mushroom Country" are focused on the Belarusian-Russian market. Concluded and performed over 40 contracts for the supply of products with the largest food retail chains and hypermarkets in the Republic of Belarus, as well as with trade representatives of the Russian Federation. Developed logistics, the presence of our own warehouses and proven transport schemes allows the sale of manufactured products in large and small wholesale lots.

Our production

Champignon double (from Latin Agaricus bisporus) – a kind of edible mushroom of the genus champignon. The mushroom cap has 3-8 cm. in diameter, rounded, with a folded edge and the remnants of a private bedspread on it in the form of thin flakes, almost white to brown. The surface of the cap is smooth, often glossy or radial fibrous in the middle, may be scaly. The pulp is firm, juicy, at the break pinking or reddening. Young records are pink, mature - dark brown with a purple tint. Leg 3-10 cm tall, 3-4 cm width, smooth, cylindrical, filled or nearly hollow, well-pronounced ring.

There are three varieties of double-sided champignon: white, cream and brown, of which cream is known only in culture, and the other two are found in nature.

Champignons make up 75-80% world volume of mushroom production. They are cultivated in more than 70 countries of the world, main producer - USA (about 25% world production). On the European market with 2013 of the year Poland is the leader in the production of champignon mushrooms. On a large scale, champignons are artificially cultivated in such countries., like France, Great Britain, Netherlands.

Premises are needed to grow mushrooms, in which it is possible to create optimal climatic conditions, such as air temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide level, air speed, the ability to repeatedly tolerate chemical and / or thermal disinfection, provide comfortable conditions for work. Cellars are used as adapted premises for champignons., mine, bomb shelters, barns, etc..

Successful mushroom cultivation requires more than just good compost, but also high quality casing layer, which promotes intensive mycelium ingrowth, high-quality formation of fruit bodies and a good harvest of dense snow-white mushroom.

Today the farm "Mushroom Country" is provided with all the necessary equipment for the extraction of peat and the production of high-quality casing soil.

The raw material for the production of peat cover soil for mushrooms is peat of natural moisture, excavated. Lowland and transitional peat is mainly used. The required acidity of the soil is achieved by introducing a defect (secondary product of sugar production). Peat is cleared of rhizomes on the mixing line, stones and acquires a homogeneous lumpy structure, necessary for creating the correct microclimate on the shelf and easy formation of generations of champignons. Our cover soil is not afraid of abundant watering, not prone to flooding.

Malakhovetsky s / s, 21, mushroom building, 0,1 km south of r. Baranovichi, Brest region, Baranovichi district, 225405 Republic of Belarus

+375 17 357-60-99; +375 16 367-73-29; +375 44 555 06 36; +375 29 167 07 53

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